Wednesday 18 March 2009

And the end is nigh!

Handing in tomorrow... and here is the finished product!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 10 March 2009

And one for the oldies!

Childrens Wear?

DE.NIME positiong amoungst competitors

The above graph shows my brand and its positioning amongst its competitors, according to two different sets of measurements, the x axis shows the brand values and the methodology they go by when making jeans, as you can see companies such as wrangler hold on to traditional values and production methods for their jeans whereas companies such as G-star and Miss sixty are more prone to change their methodology and values to advance and develop as technology does. The graph shows that although there are some companies that are innovative none are fully comitted to that way of producing their jeans, unlike DE.NIME. The y axis shows pricing and image of the jeans, value being cheap and more throw away and luxury being expensive and more exclusive, seeing as the denim industry is based in brands unlike other areas of fashion, the majority of people are more likely to buy brand name jeans and quality rather that throw away. the graph demostrates however that most of the popular brands are expensive and the market has a gap for more mid range priced jeans. DE.NIME aims to fill this space with one of pair of our jeans costing £47.

Monday 9 March 2009

Ok so now its really done I think... :)

Brand Layers

Based on this model I am going to demonstrate the different elements that will make up my brand equity.

Product: Wash and Wear jeans

Basic Brand:

- Name= DE.NIME

- Quality= High quality technologically advanced jeans

- Logo:
The colour and type of the brand are to illustrate the sterile and blank canvas message we want to potray, The target market needs to feel as if the jeans are a basis on which to work on and style themselves, they respond to individual and non branded garments, my brand must be able to give them the basis to do this with the DE.NIME jeans. Much like a laptop becomes a reflection of its ownwer thats what our jeans aim to do, The scientific theme also adds to the intelligent and innovative side as well as the sterile and anonymous side, the jeans are just a chemical rection, until bought and owned by the customer who will then bring them to life!

-Design= Jean design is determined by the customer although there are a set 9 styles for them to choose from, the brand has the potential to develop new styles into that set as fashion and trends evolve and change. The un-washed jeans come in a biodegradable ball which dissolves in water.

- Features= washing program determines the fit and style, they are made to measure jeans "made by you"

- Pack (image hasn't been designed yet) but a descriptions is... ball and graphic t-shirt (also a small set of written paper instructions) all in a bag/sack similar to washing detergent packaging

Argumental Brand:

-Extras- website and appearences at clubs, festivals and exhibitions

-Services- trained staff at consessions with a full knowledge of product, and headoffice with a 'helpline'

-Delivery= bought at concessions in selected stores,
1-Urban Outfitters
3-Beyond Retro
4-Vintage for sale,
(these shops have been chosen due to their popularity with the target market, they are also not normal high-street chain stores they encourage individuality, and often stock vintage or reconstructed clothing)
They will also be available to buy from the brands website, this will be a main channel of sales due to the target customer being keen online shoppers B&E type profiles (Taken from Etype Profiles)

- Technical Suport- Headoffce, Staff, Website

-Training= All staff associated with the product will be trained to have a stong knowledge and background in the product, each member will be encouraged to have and test out their own so they can share experiences with customers rather than textbook answers.