Thursday 5 March 2009


Now that my brand has a defined image, message and overall theme, I now have to start looking at competitors, although there are no other clothes/jeans on the market that you wash in order to make them or customize them, there are hundreds of denim brands which ultimately will be competing with my brand.

For example Acne jeans,is young fresh and new. Their approach to selling denim is muted yet they have a strong message and image. Their pricing is high however quality is a guarantee. (which reminds me I have to look at the pricing of DE.NIME's-my idea so far is that they will be approx from £30-70 quite a large bracket I know but my research into jean pricing still continues...)another brand to look at is Diesel

having worked at Diesel in the past I know their marketing message and image well, they have also used a similar approach to advertising with kitsch themes. I like the idea that their advertising changes season to season yet their core brand image remains the same they are able to target new target market segments without altering their actual image too much.
Cheap Monday

is also a brand I have been researching as they are on the lower end of the pricing scale and sell through concessions and other stores e.g Urban Outfitters which is something that I am considering for my brand, their jeans are quirky and come in all shapes and sizes, although quality is not their main value, fast fashion trends and throw away clothing is. this is something that I do not which to associate with my brand and therefore should most probably think about higher pricing (I do have to be careful as not to give my brand too exclusive a feel otherwise it will contradict the advertising plan I have). All the given brand examples, target my chosen customer, apart from Diesel who also target slightly older more well off people, and have since the 70's been quite an iconic gay brand. All the brands have different approach to reaching my customer which I will look at closer and develop a brief company profile for each brand in order to help me communicate mine.

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