Friday 27 February 2009

Heres my survey- its only short.. so please fill it out!

Thursday 26 February 2009

White Coat-742480

Wacky poster

Thoughts for ad...

I would like to base my add on a 70's science based advert taking inspiration from the old washing powder adds such as OMO, the idea is to have two sciency guys talking about DE.NIMES as a new scientific breakthough in a kitch and quirky environment

Wednesday 25 February 2009


I have decide that to acompany my DE.NIME jeans there will be a plain white Tee that has the washing intructions for the different types of fit outcomes it should look something like this... (CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE)

Advertising Ideas

Basing the targeting of the brand on my desired consumer I have decided to build my advertising and branding on more underground and exclusive techniques. My moving image clip will be a viral which will be accompanied by posters and some form of leaflet/badge/T-shirt. The advertising will be profile advertising and concentrate on brand awareness. It will rely heavily on word of mouth, but i am confident this will work effectively within my target market as this is the way their social life and networking often works. It maybe that I create a blog and a Facebook group also in order to build up hype and interest in my brand, it will also increase my brand physicality and awearness.

Targeting of DE.NIME

Looking at customer profiles allows a company or brand to effectively reach their target customer/market. Segmenting people by gender/age/income/values etc... allows you to concentrate on which mediums to use when communicating with your audience.

For my brand I have looked at my target customer from two different views;

Demographics: Age/Income/Gender/Ethnicity/Education Level/Values

Geo-Demographics:/Interests/Lifestyle/Purchasing Behavior/Attitudes/Spending Volume/Location

DE.NIME Customer:

18-28 male & female, income is most probably a student loan-£30K per year, ethnicity is from all backgrounds however the DE.NIME customer is most probably going to be someone into the way of life in London and familiar with its culture. Education level is student-degree level or newly higherd at entry level jobs. Their values are most likely to include current affairs/equality/fair and truthful pollitics/ freedom of expression and culture.

Art, fashion and pollitics they will be regular visitors at new exhibitions and museums, and will be fond travellers. readership of art and high fashion magazines will be high and their social life is active.

Employment: The lower end of the age bracket are students it them progresses onto entry level employees for indsutries such as media, arts, fashion etc...

Purchasing Behaviour: Although most people in this age bracket will not have a high income, the majority of it will go on rent and clothing. Their spending habits will be regular however they do not buy into fast fashion or throw-away trends.

Attitudes:Buys into vintage and unique pieces, and will spend alot if they belive it is a valuable and individual piece. customising clothes and edgy new concepts is something that they persue.

Location:Most likely to live just outside of central london E.g east London-Hackney/Shoeditich. they go out and shop in these areas also as work/university is more central.

Acorn Profile: TYPE 55
Their E-Type profile: Is most likely to be Group B and Group E these groups contain both ends of the 18-28 bracket. They both frequently use the internet and are socially active entertainment seekers.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Branding Task 2 - Physical representation of a brand-

ASOS.COM is a pureplay, e-retailer who through the current credit crunch has appeared in all major fashion journals and the popular press as
having almost doubled their profits since last year. There main target market is 16-25 young girls/women who enjoy fast fashion. They initially began with own brand clothing, shoes and accessories that took inspiration from celebrity fashions (As Seen On Screen)
they then expanded and and now sell most major high street brands, a small selection of new and contemporary high fashion labels and some independent labels also. their own clothing is fairly priced, well made and reflects the major trends of its times. Their only current physical presenece to its consumers other than the website is their magazine which is only sent to current and previous customers.
I believe that ASOS now has a good ground to spread its presence into the stores it sells for, this could be through the use of their names on receipts or bags or even a small capsule collection in those stores, this would be the most basic path to take and would also leave them in the shadow of those brands. The way i would love to see ASOS become more of a physical brand would be through the opening of Guerrilla stores, this is based on the idea that the brand takes over an old site or shop randomly around Europe (the countries that they sell in) and vacate it with small capsule collections from their own brand clothing for 2-6months at a time. this idea is currently being used by Dover Street Market who have three permanent stores and a number of Guerrilla stores that open one after the other.

This would give ASOS a very edgy image which would start to attract more niche market also, they currently sell to the majority of the young female market, therefore can afford to concentrate on smaller niche's if desired. Stores could be decorated in keeping with their current environment giving it a rough and cliquy image, the opening of the stores would be on the website and posters would be put up in areas of residence of the target markets. Internet virals could also be produced giving the brand a very underground and exclusive feel.

Moving on ...


So I have my final idea for my brand... it is based on the concept that you buy a ball that contains a small pair of jeans (new born size) the jeans have the ability to grow and change shape according to how you wash them in the ball in the washing machine... by selecting temperature and wash cycle and length you are able to produce a totally made to measure and unique pair of "DE.NIMES"( taken from the founder of the fabric: Serge De Nimes) for example wash the ball at 40 degrees for 60 mins and you get a mid fit straight leg jean, wash the same ball at 60 for 1hr and 30 mins you get a very skinny low rise jean!The target market for the jean will be young/creative/ and unique people, they are classified as a type 55 on, and are interested in current affairs, art, music, fashion and culture, they have a low income however spend a lot of it on different and creative fashions they often customize and buy vintage clothing.

Monday 16 February 2009

New Idea

I have decided to develop and brand a project I have been doing with a final year Graphics student at Central St Martin's, He had the Idea of creating scarves out of old flannel shirts, it is an inventive and economic way of customising old clothes and wearing unique and fashionable items. I have created my own skirts and am looking to now put together dresses inspired by the old english heritage fashion with a twist of new and eccentric colours and patterns. We would like to develop the idea further into other items such as, capes, tops etc... My role in this project is sewing items together after working out together how it will be contructed and how to develop existing items.

Thursday 12 February 2009

4 C's

This is the table of 4 C's, it gives an overview of each device and its advantages and disadvantages in the context of communications and branding. It is evident from looking at the table that TV has the lowest amount of accuracy when it comes to targeting and flexibility and a very low level of control on behalf of the company/brand, and ironically costs the most. the Press show a good balance of control cost, flexibility and also has a large potential to be seen by many people. mediums such as Radio, and Cinema although may capture a more concentrated audience, with a higher level of accuracy when targeting it does not reach such a wider spectrum of people. Finally the Internet, this i found the hardest to summerise as it encapsulates all of the different elements it is at the same time seen by a ver large amount of people and control of targeting and accuracy can be low, but at the same time it can be extremly high. The internet is also cost effective and uses up less of a companies time and investment.

100 words on Mr Tom Cruise

The actor who played Maverick is by far one of the smallest most arrogant actors I know. Although rather handsome when younger his looks and charm are withered and his height is decreasing by the year. He is known is be a firm follower of one of the most ridiculous religions on earth some may know it as Kabala I prefer to call it Crapalah. His wife Katie Holms is very attractive and seems rather grounded, the connection between the two seems rather questionable however has been going for 3-4 years. When Mr Cruise recently appeared on the Jonathan Ross show, he was asked the question when you fart in bed, do you fan the covers or lock it in, his response to this was “I don’t do things like that” I now believe Mr Cruise to not only be an arrogant short and bent nosed man but also a liar with an inability to fart!

Monday 9 February 2009

New Brief

New Brief...develop a NEW BRAND for a prescribed target market of your own choice, from within the fashion industry...

First Ideas: Men's Tailoring... The budget part of the market is full of different options and great pricing although not very inventive with designs, you get what you pay for, on the other hand High end tailoring for men also provides a strong range and great detailing and high fashion looks, I believe the mid-range market however is weak and is by no means an accurate representation of the cheaper brands infused with the Higher Brands, I therefore believe there is space within this market, and want to create a young professional male brand that takes inspiration from brands such as Vivienne Westwood and the vintage fashions currently in trend but at mid-market prices.